Best in the West Jet Rally – part I

Michael, Spencer and Barry loaded up the trailer and headed out to the Best in the West Jet Rally in Buttonwillow, CA.  There were a 161 registered pilots at the event and over 300 aircraft.  The days were fast and furious, with lots of fast movers and very impressive scale jets.  The Thunderbirds F-16 seemed to be the overall favorite aircraft since there were several models on the flight line almost all the time.  The scale B2 was the highlight of the show with several flybys and an emergency landing.  overall it was a great event and we spent most of the time headed out to the flight line taking turns flying or spotting for pilots.  For as many aircraft that flew during this event we only lost two airframes the entire time. This was quite a feat since 6 jets were in the air at a time almost all day long.   The 3D jets were amazing and completed maneuvers that jets shouldn’t have been doing and the formation demo team did a fantastic job with that part of the show.   We were lucky to have Spencers buddy Mike stopped by on Friday afternoon and joined us on the podcast with his impressions of the event.  Join us as we discuss the BITW Jet rally part I.

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